Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority
Company Profile
Since 1 July 2017, the province of Reggio Emilia has had a unique healthcare company, the Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority - IRCCS, born from the merger between the former Healthcare Authority and the “Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova” hospital, which includes a national level Oncology Research Center. The new structure leads to a strengthening of services for citizens, accompanied by the containment of public spending and greater organisational efficiency, both from a structural and administrative point of view.
The company resulting from the merger, has the Province of Reggio Emilia as its territory of competence, which is located approximately in the centre of the Emilia-Romagna Region, and represents one of the most industrialised areas in Italy.
The Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority insists on the territory of the Province of Reggio Emilia, made up of 42 Municipalities, seven Unions of Municipalities for 535,000 residents, but also attracts patients from other regions of Italy.
The reorganisation provides for the establishment of a single hospital network called the Santa Maria Nuova Provincial Hospital, divided into several establishments:
Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova of Reggio Emilia
S. Anna Hospital of Castelnovo ne'Monti
San Sebastiano Hospital in Correggio
Guastalla Civil Hospital
Ercole Franchini Hospital in Montecchio
Cesare Magati Hospital in Scandiano
In addition to the Hospital, the Local Healthcare Authority is divided into six geographical primary care districts and four Provincial territorial Departments :
Primary Care Department
Pharmaceutical Department
Public Health Department
Department of Mental Health and Pathological Addictions
Executives in Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority
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