FacePhi launches “I want to be an Engineer” programme
Technology company FacePhi is committed to closing the gender gap in the engineering industry by launching the “I want to be an Engineer” programme. The programme, promoted by the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Alicante, will be present at intensive campuses throughout June, reaching more than 200 students.
The programme has been launched to increase the number of women in the engineering sectors, as currently, only 24.2% of engineering employees in the US are women, only 14.5% in the UK, and 25% in Spain, according to the Ministry of Education.
Specifically designed to promote equal opportunities within the engineering sector, the programme aims to boost girls' interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects at secondary school age.
How will the programme boost girls' interest in STEM?
Through FacePhi’s ‘intensive campus’, students will have the opportunity to learn about several branches of engineering, including robotics, chemistry, architecture, computer science, biomedical, civil, and telecommunications.
FacePhi currently only employs 15% women in technical areas, so the “I want to be an Engineer” programme is an initiative to boost the number of women in the company, by sharing the many different career options and inspiring them to join the sector.
Focused on closing the gender gap, Magdalena Beltrá, people and culture director shares how she believes that it is important to support initiatives, such as the “I want to be an Engineer” programme, to drive equality.
In addition to the programme, FacePhi will host presentations and talks in high schools. Ángela Sánchez, Junior Researcher for FacePhi recently spoke at a Spanish high school, explaining her career to the pupils and educating them on the many different professional opportunities within the engineering sector. She also shared the importance of having female role models for young girls, to encourage and guide them into the industry.